Yep, this is near the top of the list for really amazing spots, for Day 2.  Lots of days to go with lots of neat stuff to see, but this is pretty darn cool if you ask me.  So I didn’t know what this was either, but I know the Bible stories.  Cast out your nets on the other side and you will bring in a catch after catching none all night…Peter do you love me, yes Lord, you know I do (x3)…then feed my sheep.  You likely know the stories too if you’re interested in these blogs.  So we walk past the one of the seven springs from the last blog, and down at the bottom is…another small chapel.  We don’t go in right at first, but instead walk down to the shore.  Check out the scene:

Nice black-stone shore of the Sea of Galilee.  Right next to it is the chapel.  Our guide Mike explains that inside the chapel is where Jesus made the charcoal fire for Peter, James and John after His resurrection, and told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat after a night of no fish.  Then they hauled it in with the nets not tearing.  Jesus cooked them breakfast on the charcoal fire He had made.  Inside the chapel is called the Mensa Christi, “Christ’s Table”. This is where He cooked them breakfast.  

The altar area is the exposed rock.  The atmosphere in here is very reverent and so powerful.  Yes, I cried again.  When didn’t I cry today???

Cool chapel, right on the beach.

The water’s edge has the black volcanic rock and limestone stones too.

Mike is talking more about the area.  He points.  He’s pointing toward the mountains at the top right of the picture.  This is the mountain where the man who was demon possessed was made to live, the man who had within him “Legion”.  Jesus drove the legion into the pigs nearby who ran into the water and drown.  Right across the water from where He told Peter that He was going to build His church on the rock.  See….this was a cool stop!!!

I love the stained glass here.  So pretty.

And this was carved into the door.

Two angles on the statue in front of the chapel of Jesus commissioning Peter.  You can find the story in John chapter 21.

I will be the first to admit I was very tired and short on sleep today…so if I got something wrong with my stories or locations…please correct me.  On to the second to last stop for the day….Capernaum.  Wow.  As Mike would say “Hababa” which means “awesome.”  Hababa Baba is “Awesome God”.  I like it!!!  Evan called me Hababa Mama….have I mentioned I love that kid????  : ). Our guide Mike also would also say, “Everybody say ‘wow’”, which of course we oblige…  OK, on to Capernaum.