About Therapy

Maybe it feels like Groundhog Day. A hamster wheel that never stops. The never-ending rollercoaster ride to Perdition. You’ve tried and tried and tried to make a relationship work, or to talk yourself into feeling better. It’s not working.

Can’t I just be happy? Stop suffering every day? Have a good relationship? Live a good life? Maybe even just survive life on this floating rock in the middle of space?

Here you are… looking on the web for something to hope in. Maybe someone can help. Whatever your struggle might be, you can’t ignore it anymore. There has to be something better out there, right? Can I even dare to hope that it could be better

The truth is, the way we do therapy isn’t for everyone.

A couple comes in and sits on the couch, and there is a lot of real estate in between them… it’s pretty frosty in the room. One might be crying, the other angry or checked out and just there because their partner made them come by threatening divorce.

They each tell their side of the story, and then the question comes, “Can you help us?”

At Peace Counseling, our therapists can confidently say, “Yes, …if.”

If what? We live in a world that is into instant fixes and give me a pill for that or a checklist to complete to feel better and make myself or my spouse happy. The most common thing we hear is “Give us some tools so that we can communicate better.” At this point it is important to ask yourself, “Do we want our marriage to be better for the rest of our lives, or just for a few months?”

We have the tools, but…

We have lots of tools to help you communicate better and feel better, this is true. The problem is, we have to get to the root of the problem to make whatever is ailing you and your relationship better. Not just putting a band-aid on a stab wound, but undergoing the emotional therapy that is needed for healing what is really going on beneath the surface, on the deepest levels. If you are interested in short-term therapy that will help for the short term, we are probably not the best choice for you.

If you are interested in life-long changes that will help your marriage go the distance until death parts you; the work that gets you off meds and leaves you feeling better without them; the kind of work that reverberates through generations after you; the kind of work that will literally have an effect on your grandchildren’s lives and that will help you get off that hamster wheel and rollercoaster, then we are the right practice for you. 

What it’s like?

The couple that comes in and sits on opposite ends of the couch has a difficult road ahead. We’re not here to sugar-coat it. Therapy is hard. Many times, it gets a little worse before it gets better. What we can say from years of experience and walking individuals and couples through this difficult path is that it will work, if you work it. It will get better.

Whoever shows up on the couch with humility and courage will get what they need from the process. Take a look at some of our testimonials. What we do absolutely works, but it is the road less traveled. There is plenty of grace and patience for you in this process, because our therapists have walked the path that we take our clients on, and we know how hard it is.

Our method is one that is meant to give hope and understanding quickly.

We will get to know you in the first few sessions (usually 2-4) and then present to you feedback about what we see and the path we are suggesting to get you out of where you are. We are not therapists who rub our chins and say benign statements like “Tell me how you feel about that.” You will receive direct, bold, and objective feedback about where you are and how to get out.

We will develop an understandable vocabulary together to talk about complex feelings that are hard to describe. The number one thing we hear from our feedback sessions is “How you describe it… it all makes so much sense.” Yes. That’s what we’re looking for. We want what is really happening to be understandable, because how will we change anything if we don’t understand it?

If you want to feel better for the rest of your life, to have better relationships for the rest of your life, to feel more and more peaceful for the rest of your life, then let’s get started. There is no time like the present! Our therapists are here to help you make those life-long changes you’re looking for.

If you have any further questions regarding our paradigm or our policies, please feel free to contact us via the form below or call 317-605-7015. You may also check the FAQ page on this website.

Address: 9640 Commerce Drive
Suite 434 Carmel, IN 46032

Phone:  317.605.7015

Peace Counseling Group

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