Anxiety and Depression
While anxiety and depression are not simple issues, the simplest definition of anxiety is “an over-focus on things that may or may not happen” and the simplest definition of depression might be “an over-focus on things you cannot change.”
Working on changing the focus of your thoughts to the present is a big step toward the reduction of these issues. It takes time and effort. We have steps that can help to change your focus, and we will get to the root of the problem to suggest a path for lifelong relief.
Affair Recovery
An affair strikes at the core of a relationship. Recovery from an affair takes time and effort, and cannot be rushed. Rebuilding trust and finding the underlying causes means delving into some deep recesses of your hearts and a strong understanding of relationship dynamics. It takes courage and strength.
This process also usually needs some help from an experienced and compassionate guide to navigate these difficult waters. We can help you move through this process to heal damaged and broken hearts.
Coping with Divorce
Divorce is a devastating and traumatic event for most people that journey that path. While we work as hard as we can to prevent this from happening, nevertheless, sometimes it does.
We can help you work through the difficult issues of splitting possessions, co-parenting and adjusting to custody schedules, dealing with you or your partner dating someone new, and all the other challenges that arise from this difficult transition.
We can also recommend services that will help ease the hardships of attorney fees and lengthy court battles.
Brainspotting and Internal Family Systems
I am a bit direct and old-school in my approach to therapy, and I go with what I know works. Brainspotting and IFS do work! I have recently had a client who has been coming regularly for about a year or so mention, “If my anxiety was 100% when I started working with you, it’s at 20% now.” WOW! That is a significant result! I want that kind of result for you, too.
With a deep understanding of how the brain heals from emotional pain, we work to get lifelong healing from childhood and adult traumas. Brainspotting and IFS unlock your ability to access and resolve deep-seated issues. Whether you’re looking to heal from past trauma or find relief from anxiety and depression, you’ll be guided through a compassionate, supportive process tailored to your unique needs. Let’s start your journey toward lasting emotional well-being!
Sexual Issues
Sexuality is a very complex topic. Understanding how and why you ‘tick’ sexually is a puzzle that takes time to unravel, and it touches every aspect of what makes you… you. Add another person, and their complexities, to the mix, and it is no wonder that people have issues arise in their sex lives.
With the added ease of accessibility to pornography, etc. and the current levels of sexual addiction in our culture, sexuality can be a difficult area to tackle. You will need a courageous and non-judgmental therapist to help you.
Grief and Loss
Loss is a part of the human condition that is interwoven into the fabric of our lives.
The loss of a loved one, a lifestyle we hoped for, a relationship, a dream, the love we always needed but didn’t get… these and much more are things that must be mourned.
The closer the loss the longer it takes to grieve. Many times the feelings of grief come in waves, and the big ones can make us feel like we’re drowning. The grieving process can be much easier to navigate when it is shared with another compassionate human being. We can help you work through these difficult times and overwhelming feelings.
Shame and Abandonment
Shame and Abandonment are two closely interwoven issues that affect everyone in some way and to some degree.
Shame is characterized by the phrase ‘I’m not good enough’, and abandonment is captured most simply by the phrase ‘Everyone leaves me’.
Shame and abandonment are issues that must be healed in order to have truly safe and intimate connections with others. There are layers that can be traversed to bring much needed peace. We can help you work through them compassionately and effectively.
Self Esteem/Body Image/Worthiness
Shame would have each of us believe that we are not worthy. Not worthy of love, acceptance, connection, fulfilling relationships… perhaps even to live!
Self-esteem issues are driven by this lying shame voice in our minds. It is fertile ground for anxiety and fear as well as depression. There is hope, however, and great strides can be made to combat this liar. Let us help you see how beautiful and amazing you really are!
Relationships with your Higher Power as you know it are inherently complex. We can help you work through your own belief system non-judgmentally, as a mirror to help you see things in yourself that you cannot objectively see.
While we do offer Christian counseling, we do not force our personal beliefs on anyone, but rather help you find what you believe, and work through confusion or pain you may have regarding your spirituality. We have worked with all kinds of philosophies and beliefs in a non-invasive and non-judgmental style.
Codependency and Counter-dependency
We believe that codependency and counter-dependency are two sides to the same coin, and that people can move between them, taking turns on each side from time to time, causing havoc and a lack of peace in their relationships.
While codependency is a more mainstream word defined by characteristics such as being other-focused, needy, insecure, passive, and not having a strong sense of self; counter-dependency is it’s alter-ego of sorts exhibiting characteristics of grandiosity, obliviousness, self-focus, independence, and aggression.
By understanding how these things show in your relationship, we can help you find the middle ground where peace resides.
Chronic Illness
Family of Origin Issues
Blended Families, Foster Care, and Adoption
Work-Life Balance
Pre-Marital Therapy
Speaking Engagements
Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs and schedule a date and time.
Address: 9640 Commerce Drive
Suite 434 Carmel, IN 46032
Phone: 317.605.7015
Email: nancyeisenmanlcsw@gmail.com
Peace Counseling Group
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